Episode 3: Matt Harris, Venture Capitalist

In this episode, originally from May 2011, Dave interviewed Matt Harris, the co-founder of Village Ventures. Two companies that Dave and Matt discuss in this interview are BankSimple and On Deck Capital.

Village Ventures lead Simple’s $2.9MM Series A Round in September 2010. In 2014, BBVA acquired Simple for $117MM.

As for OnDeck Capital, Village Ventures participated in the Series A round in January 2006. OnDeck went public in December 2014 with a valuation of about $1.3BN. At the time of this recording, OnDeck had originated $130MM in loans. At IPO, it’s origination volume was up to $1.7BN.

In 2012, Matt Harris joined Bain Capital Ventures, where he leads the New York office and focuses primarily on financial services investments.
