
Raising Capital: How Would You Pitch Your Business to an Old Friend?

Old friends in old room

This is part of my Series' on Angel Investing and Venture Capital.

I came across this short post from London-based VC Nic Brisbourne yesterday and it immediately struck a chord with me.  Essentially he recommends that entrepreneurs pitching to investors should communicate as if they were pitching to their best friend. In my opinion this is a simple yet very effective prescription and encapsulates in one fell swoop all the right things one should do in a pitch.

Remember, investors are first and foremost looking to back great entrepreneurs who know how to communicate well with colleagues, employees and customers.  When you convey your ideas in a straightforward and unaffected manner, are responsive to feedback, and as Nic says, “do as much listening as talking”, you’re really putting your best foot forward.  

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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